Air-Dried Hardwood Logs
Woodsure Approved Ready to Burn Cut Logs, Briquettes, Heating Pellets, Kindling, Firelighters and Log Stores
Woodsure Firewood logs and Wood Fuel delivered from here in Linlithgow to anywhere in the Lothians, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling, Fife, throughout the whole of Scotland and the UK.
If you require logs urgently, we have Net Bags of Air-Dried Softwood, Air-Dried Hardwood and Kiln-Dried Hardwood Logs plus Briquettes, kindling and Waxling Firelighters available for collection. **Please note - Our Net Bags of logs are not bagged until sold. Please pre-order if arranging to collect.**
Before ordering hardwood logs we ask you to consider our Softwood logs along with our briquettes. Most Firewood suppliers in Scotland have had difficulty getting hardwoods this year. They usually have to be imported at up to twice the price they were 2 years ago.
Our Softwoods on the other hand are home grown, more sustainable and about 25% cheaper than our air-dried hardwoods.
The perception that hardwoods burn better than softwoods is nonsense, both have the same calorific value relative to weight and moisture content.
Moreover, If you mix our softwood logs with our Champfleurie Briquettes (see the Lairds Choice Softwoods on our website) you will get more heat than from hardwood logs and save money. Our Air-Dried Softwood Logs are about 25% cheaper.
These Woodsure Approved, Ready to Burn, Air-Dried Mixed Hardwood Logs are below 20% moisture content are made ready-to-burn using our latest natural air drying process and are the same logs as our Kiln-Dried Hardwoods.
Air Drying Process
Cut trees are fully seasoned outside naturally then using only the sun and wind in our new open-ended polytunnels Mother Nature's Kiln where we have seen the overall moisture content down as low as 15% before being processed cut into 8" logs resulting in the same moisture content and quality of log as the kiln-dried logs. The logs are then stored in IBC cages in another open-ended polytunnel to ensure they remain dry until they are removed for delivery to our customers.
Environmental and financial advantage of air dried logs - no continuous burning kilns involved which produce massive amounts of CO2. For every 100 tons of firewood we have to burn 30 tons just to get the other 70 tons kiln-dried. That is what makes kiln-dried more expensive and not so environmentally friendly
Mixed with our Champfleurie Briquettes these logs will produce more heat than hardwoods on their own.
Please Note: How you store these logs after we deliver them is important. Always store in dry well ventilated place.